Nurse shark anyone?

Nurse sharks anyone???? We took Cladio's boat out this weekend hoping to score some big Red's. We started the day cast netting some finger mullet. We decided to head down to Ponce Inlet to try and hit the end of the jetti. We anchored up, and after about 15 mins, Cladio's pole got slammed. After about a 15 min fight, a 4ft nurse shark pops his head up. It was the biggest nurse shark we've ever caught out here. About half an hour later, Chris' pole gets hit. To out surprise, it was another nurse shark. It was a tiny bit smaller, but a good fight none the less. We decided to head back inshore to hit some of the holes by the mangroves to see if we could hook up with any red's in there. After a couple hours, we only brought in three mangrove snappers. They were definitely good sized mangrove's, but we wanted red's.

At the end of the day we ended up with two nurse sharks and three mangrove snappers. It wasn't a boring day, but next time we aren't coming in until there is a red in the boat!!!!


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