Nurse shark anyone?

Nurse sharks anyone???? We took Cladio's boat out this weekend hoping to score some big Red's. We started the day cast netting some finger mullet. We decided to head down to Ponce Inlet to try and hit the end of the jetti. We anchored up, and after about 15 mins, Cladio's pole got slammed. After about a 15 min fight, a 4ft nurse shark pops his head up. It was the biggest nurse shark we've ever caught out here. About half an hour later, Chris' pole gets hit. To out surprise, it was another nurse shark. It was a tiny bit smaller, but a good fight none the less. We decided to head back inshore to hit some of the holes by the mangroves to see if we could hook up with any red's in there. After a couple hours, we only brought in three mangrove snappers. They were definitely good sized mangrove's, but we wanted red's.

At the end of the day we ended up with two nurse sharks and three mangrove snappers. It wasn't a boring day, but next time we aren't coming in until there is a red in the boat!!!!

Hooked on National Geographic Channel

Ok guys and gals, I've been starting to get some responces from people about this blog. I've had quite a few reader submitted photos and stories, but the biggest one so far was from National Geographic. I know, you guys are probably as surprised as me. They have a new show coming out this month called Hooked. I checked it out and it looks really cool. So the bottom line is that they wanted me to get this out to my readers. So here are some pictures from some of the episodes.

Click on the thumbnails to view the full size picture....

Episode 1


Sunday, October 19, at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT

Using only a rod and a reel, New Zealand fishing celebrity Matt Watson snares the largest predatory fish on the planet, the great white shark. Working with the department of conservation, he'll hook a great white, pull it to the boat and clip a tissue sample from its fin. The DNA will help scientists map the migrations, growth rates and genetic families of these apex predators. Then, head to Germany to get up close with Europe's largest freshwater fish, the wels catfish. These aggressive bottom-feeders will devour just about anything, including animals above water! We'll witness one man wrestle a 7-foot-long wels catfish with his bare hands. Next up, we'll visit fishing mecca Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Here, a fishing adventurer catches record-sized marlin from his kayak. Big game kayak fishing is extremely dangerous. Even the most skilled sportsman can lose a limb, his boat or his life...

Episode 2


Sunday, October 19, at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT

Back in New Zealand, Matt Watson performs emergency surgery on a 5-foot-long, 150-pound dogtooth tuna. Injured during Matt's struggle to bring it to the surface, the titanic tuna's swim bladder filled with air, preventing the team from safely releasing the fish back into the water. In the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Key West, we'll witness two sportsmen battle a massive lemon shark, bring it to shore to register their catch and then release the fish back into the wild. How do they do it? A unique onboard holding pen, specially designed to keep the shark in water while they race it to shore. Next, we're off to Thailand, where it takes three grown men to net a massive armor-plated arapaima. Next, in the Gulf of Mexico, a teenager takes on a titanic tarpon. Finally, in Brazil, follow pro fisherman Jair Rigotti as he chases a lifelong obsession — hooking the "mother fish" of the Amazon, a giant piraiba.

Episode 3


Monday, October 20, at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT

We'll head to Kennebunkport, Maine, for a fishing expedition with the former commander-in-chief, George H.W. Bush. Known for its massive size and armored jaws, the tarpon is certainly difficult to hook, but this former president doesn't back down from a challenge — watch his impressive battle with a bathtub-sized tarpon, using only a fly reel! Then, take a personal tour of the 41st president's fishing shed, packed with his favorite fishing rods and lures.

In Southern California, experience the heart-racing showdown between Marylin Stephens and a record-breaking mako shark. See the angler's worst fear come true when the hooked shark charges the boat and the hunter becomes the hunted! Next, in San Carlos Bay, Florida, home video shows angler Nelson Diaz make the catch of his career, hooking a goliath grouper that measures a jaw-dropping 7 feet long, 6 feet around, and weights an estimated 500 pounds. Finally, off the coast of Virginia, watch fishermen struggle with a stingray the size of an office cubicle and see the grueling tug-of-war between an angler and a bluefin tuna. The mega catch stretches an astounding 9 feet long and measures more than 6 feet around — it takes several men to hoist the giant tuna.

Here is their site for information on all the episodes.


Reader submitted pictures

Here are a few pictures a fellow reader and good friend of mine Troy sent in. The red fish was caught in Masquito Lagoon. The two dolphins were caught about 70 miles off shore in 1500 feet of water.

Crack for Red Fish


ok, now if you want to know what the best bait for catching Redfish is, then listen up. We started out hitting the back canals in the intercoastal. We kept coming across schools of red fish, but nothing we threw at them worked. I stared using live shrimp, then tried some different lures ranging from small minnows to jigs. It just seemed as though they didn't want anything. I had a pole rigged with a live shrimp in a pole holder off the back of the boat, when i started to hear the drag take off. I think "finally, one of them got hungry." I was wrong. As soon as I set the hook, the fish jumped. It was a Lady Fish. I got it in and decided to cut it up and use it for bait. (It was a small one) So, I cut up the lady fish, put a piece on, and cast up under some of the mangroves. Before it even had a chance to get to the bottom, my line takes off. First redfish of the day. Every cast after that, we pulled in a redfish using a piece of lady fish. I have now come to the conclusion that red fish are like crack heads, and lady fish is their crack!!!!

Mike's fatty

Largemouth Bass

Mike caught this big bastard in Pelican Bay. We launched my jon boat, and parked my truck in this parking lot. We were fishing for a little over two hours, and after it got dark we decided to start heading back. Mike was in the front of the boat casting at the shore line as we were trolling in... then BAMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! He was using such a tiny pole, we didn't think he was gonna be able to get this thing in. Finally he got it close enough I could scoop him up in the net. So it was a perfect way to end the night....

Then we got back to the parking lot and found out that my truck had been towed for being in a private parking lot.

Not bad for The Groves

Largemouth Bass

This was a decent size bass for where we were fishing that day. I caught this one in The Groves. The pond that is directly behind Food Lion. The pond looks like it would be full of big guys, but this one is the biggest we got out of there.

Damn, it's just a Jack

Jacj Crevalle

We were fishing the river in New Smyrna. Back in one of the little canals, we saw a Tarpon's fin break the surface. About 2 mins later we saw some bait fish scattering like a big fish was after them so I casted a finger size mullet over towards all the commotion. All of the sudden, my drag takes off. I set the hook and it felt huge. I'm thinking I hooked into the Tarpon we saw a few mins earlier. After about a 15 min fight, I get it close to the boat and it's only a Jack. Major dissappointment, but still a fun catch.

Eric's lunker in Indigo Lakes

Largemouth Bass

Yet again, another lunker caught in Indigo Lakes. Eric caught it on a big spinner bait.

Another beast I landed in Indigo Lakes

Largemouth BassLargemouth Bass

Indigo Lakes is the only place I have ever fished that I have had luck using big spinner baits. I caught this big guy on a red and white spinner bait with gold blades.

7 pounder in Indigo Lakes

Largemouth BassLargemouth BassLargemouth Bass

One day, my buddy Eric and I were fishing some ponds on a golf course in Daytona Beach called Indigo Lakes. Landed this monster on a Pearl White Fluke.

Smallest Barracuda I've ever seen!!!


Ok, we were out in the river one day and I got out of the boat to cast net for some bait. I reel the net in on the third cast and to my surprise, I find this 6 inch Barracuda in the net. I have never seen one this small before. This is why it always pays to have a camera when you fishing just incase you came across somthing cool like this.